Amazing Tips for Preparing Your Vehicle for the Winter Season
Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a newbie adventurer, proper preparation is key to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. Learn these essential motorcycle trip tips.
Car accidents happen. Most times they are out of our control. On the unfortunate occasion that you are involved in one, knowing the right course of action can make a big difference in your ability to recover. Follow these steps to ensure the claims process goes as smoothly as possible.
Don’t panic. The first thing to do after a car accident is to check yourself for injuries. Once you’ve done so, make sure any passengers involved are okay. Safety is the greatest priority in such an event, and your personal health matters above all else. If the accident is relatively minor, turn on your hazard lights and get your car off the road to avoid any traffic buildups. In the case that it is more serious and/or there are injuries, make sure to leave your vehicle where it is until help arrives.
After you’ve checked for injuries and ensured the safety of all passengers, it’s time to call 911. It is of the utmost importance to involve police in the event of an accident, no matter the severity. They will accurately assess the incident and file a report. This police report is referenced when you file a claim with your insurance provider and helps to determine your level of compensation. Without one, it’s ultimately your word against the other driver’s.
Jot down the names and badge numbers of any responding officers, as this information may be needed later. The more detail the better!
Photo evidence can provide a lot of detail as to who was at fault. It also helps determine what the cost of the accident will be overall. Take pictures of all vehicles involved, photographing every angle. Even if there appears to be no damage to a particular section of your car, you may be overlooking something that can help with your claim later.
Make sure to get some shots of the surrounding area as well. If there is any additional damage to the scene of the accident it should be documented. The police can miss details when putting together reports, and the more photo evidence you have the less likely you are to run into trouble with your claim down the line.
If the accident occurred in front of a business/establishment, it can’t hurt to ask for security footage. Many of them are equipped with security systems these days and are willing to help out. Doing this actually vindicated me a few years back when my car was hit outside of a deli! I was in the middle of pulling out of a parking spot when the driver across from me reversed, failing to check his surroundings. As a result, he backed right into the side of my car. At the scene of the accident he took full responsibility, but later when filing a claim he tried to put the blame on me. Luckily, I was able to obtain the security footage from the deli and responsibility was placed entirely on the other driver. Even though I took photos of the accident that painted a pretty clear picture of what went down, the video evidence was ultimately what determined my claim.
You will want to get as much contact information from the other driver(s) as possible. Things like a legal name, email address, phone number, home address and insurance. Take note of vehicle descriptions, license plate numbers, and the location of the accident. The more details you have, the more accurately your insurance company can process the claim. If there are any witnesses present you should exchange contact info with them as well.
Avoid any discussion about who is responsible. Oftentimes after an accident, emotions are running high. Judgment can be clouded by everything going on, and it’s best to leave it up to the police and insurance providers to determine who is at fault. The situation will inevitably get resolved. Creating further conflict won’t benefit anybody, and you will only make the experience more stressful.
Once the scene of the accident is secured and information has been exchanged, it’s time to contact your insurance agent. They will provide guidance for what your next steps will be. Many policies require you to report collisions immediately, and your coverage may be dependent on it.
Stay away from negotiating cash deals instead of going through insurance. There is no legal structure to a cash deal and it is always best to let the insurance companies determine the financial impact of an accident. Times like this are why you have auto coverage in the first place!
Even if you feel healthy immediately after a collision, it’s still smart to schedule a doctor’s appointment within the next day or two. Pain and discomfort can be masked by the initial shock that follows an accident. Related injuries are often not noticeable until later on, once your adrenaline has worn off. The most minor of accidents can still cause head and spinal damage, and a proper medical assessment will make sure you are in good health when it’s time to get back on the road.
We know car accidents can be overwhelming and traumatic, but following these steps will help minimize the stress of it all. In such an event, having a trusted independent agent to handle every step in your claims process will let you to focus on your mental and physical recovery.
Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a newbie adventurer, proper preparation is key to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. Learn these essential motorcycle trip tips.
Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a newbie adventurer, proper preparation is key to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. Learn these essential motorcycle trip tips.
Meet Alec Toth, the newest member of our team here at TFG Home & Auto! Alec is a Sales Representative, responsible for reviewing home, auto, umbrella, recreational vehicle and landlord policies.
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Meet Alec Toth, the newest member of our team here at TFG Home & Auto! Alec is a Sales Representative, responsible for reviewing home, auto, umbrella, recreational vehicle and landlord policies.
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